Issue 142

Summer & Fall 2012

  • You are currently looking at the fifth issue of TriQuarterly Online, and it's a good one. We're very excited to feature recordings of some of our poets reading their work. John Bresland was kind enough to curate another set of video essays for us, each one constructed around a single image. You'll also find the work of poets Ghalib and Yang Zi translated from Urdu and Chinese, respectively, and we're proud to host three new poems from Sharon Olds. We have fresh creative nonfiction from the likes of Sven Birkerts, Monica Berlin, and Ander Monson, who also sends photos. Finally, this issue's fiction includes astronauts, Keats, and X-Men, among other things (but what else could you want, really?). We truly hope you enjoy this issue as much as we do. Send praise and grumblings to --L.P.

    Managing Editor: Lydia Pudzianowski
    Faculty Advisor: Alice George
    Literary Editor: S.L. Wisenberg
    Director of Planning: Reginald Gibbons
    Media Architect: Harlan Wallach
    Technical Advisor: Alex Miner
    Social Media Editor: Ankur Thakkar
    Copy Editor: Ruth Goring
    Graduate Fellow: Ben Schacht

    Book Review Editor: Karen Zemanick
    Assistant Book Review Editor: Leigh Arber
    Chapbook Review Editor: Anthony Opal
    Fiction Editors: Matt Carmichael, Cathy Gao, Carrie Muehle, Ankur Thakkar, Stephanie Tran
    Nonfiction Editor: Sarah Hollenbeck
    Poetry Editor: Lana Rakhman
    Assistant Poetry Editor: Virginia Smith

    Staff: Rebecca Bald, Cathy Beres, Michelle Cabral, Patrick Allen Carberry, Bonnie Cauble, Jen Companik, Rachel Curry, Aaron DeLee, Jesse Eagle, Vincent Francone, Andrew Galligan, Barbara Ghoshal, Yliana Gonzalez, Eric Grawe, Betsy Haberl, Ish Harris-Wolff, Noelle Havens, Elizabeth Herbert, Gretchen Kalwinski, Nath Jones, Jen Lawrence, Joyce Lee, Eldad Malamuth, Carrie Muehle, Tien (Mimi) Nguyen, Amber Peckham, Cory Phare, C. Russell Price, Jenna Rabideaux, Nate Renie, Mark Rentfro, Ross Ritchell, Paula Root, Dan Schuld, Michi Smith, Megan Marie Sullivan, Adam Talaski, Myra Thompson, Alisa Ungar-Sargon

Fiction Anthony Tognazzini Fiction Anthony Tognazzini

The Treehouse

I don’t yet know what this is about, or if there’s a master plan, but since I am by nature romantic, I’m willing to believe one exists. I trust something good—ennobling even—will come of this. John Keats said, “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter,” and I’d like to believe that’s true.

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Fiction Travis Kurowski Fiction Travis Kurowski

The Entire City

1. Plaster

A few months ago, my father died.

In 1986, when he was thirty-two years old—the year I turned four—my father, Dr. John Mayers, published his University of Portland doctoral dissertation, The Privacy of Other Places, with a small press in North Carolina.

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Nonfiction Cecilia Pinto Nonfiction Cecilia Pinto

In Light of Darkness

Whenever I pass the Restaurant Sarajevo in the 2700 block of West Lawrence in Chicago I think of two things. First, I recall the summer evening several years ago when I observed a wedding party standing on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

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Nonfiction Nathaniel K. Perkins Nonfiction Nathaniel K. Perkins

Los Huevos del Señor

I wanted to get hit by a car.

I’d heard about drunk, suicidal types running out onto the freeway and putting their heads through some poor, unsuspecting bastard’s windshield, turning their bones to powder against the hood in a gory scene of unholy carnage. That wasn’t for me.

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Nonfiction Ander Monson Nonfiction Ander Monson

See You Next Week

The storm of passion once over, he would have given worlds, had he possessed them, to have restored to her that innocence of which his unbridled lust had deprived her. Of the desires which had urged him to the crime, no trace was left in his bosom.

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Nonfiction Ander Monson Nonfiction Ander Monson

How to Read a Book

“Everyone, I think, will admit that a book is a work of art.” —Mortimer J. Adler, How to Read a Book,

PN 83.a43 1940 mn

“Not this one” —marginalia

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Nonfiction Sven Birkerts Nonfiction Sven Birkerts


I read recently how scientists had run an experiment that proved at last that some particle could move faster than the speed of light, it was all over the Internet, and the next day at work my colleague, who actually can think about these things in intelligent ways, explained with great animation how this opened the way for science to be thinking about parallel universes, and his excitement touched me for a few minutes, I caught some glimmer of how the one thing related to the other.

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Poetry Rebecca Dunham Poetry Rebecca Dunham

Insomnia Ghazal

The stop-watched tick. The seconds enough

to reckon, to weigh. The pill a pillow pressed to –

Just a swine flu of the mind, just a little touch, I

confess to a waiting room of lips masked clean shut.

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Poetry Eva Konstantopoulos Poetry Eva Konstantopoulos

What Kind of Person Are You?

A) Housewife-and-I-want-for-nothing-but-still-want-more white B) Yeehaw-I’m-never-leaving-my-hometown-let’s-BBQ white C) Alpha-male-I-never-ask-for-directions-so-now-I’m-lost white

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Poetry Brittany Cavallaro Poetry Brittany Cavallaro


The tickets in your breast pocket rest on

a pair of tickets and they’ve been punched

already. There is no train. That’s your flickering smile

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Poetry Brittany Cavallaro Poetry Brittany Cavallaro


The ghost wants to walk through

your bedroom wall. When do you sleep?

The ghost wants to know. It wants to turn

the faucet on for your morning shower.

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Poetry Thea Brown Poetry Thea Brown

An Illustrated Almanac

In all its humming but this time the cringe, the invention

of forethought of portent—the uncomfortable discipline necessary

to bolster prediction but look up—there are cities in small rooms

of houses, there’s travel for pleasure or pleasantly; this all boils

down then to bargaining—once after

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