Issue 139

Winter & Spring 2011

  • Welcome to the second issue of TriQuarterly Online. In the months since we launched, we've attracted an enthusiastic audience from around the world, and can boast visitors from over a hundred countries on six continents. In this and every issue you'll find outstanding new fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, plus book reviews, interviews, commentary, and a lively blog. The electronic format also allows us to present work from TriQuarterly's extensive print archives. We look forward to receiving your comments and responses at

    Managing Editor: Dana Norris
    Faculty Advisor: Susan Harris
    Technical Advisor: Matt Wood
    Copy Editor: Ruth Goring
    Graduate Fellow: Ari Bookman

    Book Review Editor: Charles Berret
    Fiction Editors:Danielle Burhop, Tien (Mimi) Nguyen, Ankur Thakkar, Stephanie Tran
    Nonfiction Editors:Charles Berret, Sarah Hollenbeck, Dana Norris
    Poetry Editors: Aaron DeLee, Lana Rakhman

    Staff: Emily Ayshford, Alex Bergstrom, Allison Bletnitsky, Alana Buckbee, Jen Companik, Katherine Defliese, Schuyler Dickson, Ann Gadzikowski, Cathy Gao, Barbara Ghoshal, Dane Hamann, Noelle Havens, Tedd Hawks, Beth Herbert, Sarah Jenkins, Sarah Kalsbeek, Jen Lawrence, Kevin McFarland, Erin McNulty, Sambath Meas, Ashley Mohney, Hana Park, C. Russell Price, Vanessa Bates Ramirez, Paula Root, Misty Shelley, Virginia Smith, Leah Struass, Megan Sullivan, Matt Tzuker, Elizabeth Winkowski, Karen Zemanick

Poetry Bruce Weigl Poetry Bruce Weigl

My Dimension

Beautiful weather here now,

if you’re blind. Summer

with that fall bite in the night air,

and through my window,

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Poetry Lina ramona Vitkauskas Poetry Lina ramona Vitkauskas


“In my dream, I am your customer.”

—Laurie Anderson, Words in Reverse

In a pagan posture,

in a Cadillac,

my body synched,

manipulated and ruptured

as a locksmith unpinned.

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Poetry Lina ramona Vitkauskas Poetry Lina ramona Vitkauskas


(For Simone)

Girls just like to dance

to the politics,

wear the stamina

of a rosy Spain pear,

each one a clerk and tangle

of facets and fatalism.

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Poetry Jordi Doce Poetry Jordi Doce

Incident [Suceso]

Translated from Spanish by Reginald Gibbons

We weren’t there when it happened.

We were on our way to another city,

another life,

under an ever-changing sky that moved as we moved.

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Poetry Hadara Bar-Nadav Poetry Hadara Bar-Nadav

What Care the Dead for Day

who linger, who watch as I once did from the high corner of a dream, floating above your

hospital bed. I attended night for you. I guard[ed] my Master’s Head. In dreams I gave you eyes.

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Poetry Hadara Bar-Nadav Poetry Hadara Bar-Nadav

How Soft This Prison Is

Body, bundle, country of twigs. Your nine gates opening, closing, spittle wet. A miracle you

existed at all. Fontanel, fallible. Your soul shaking inside. When you died, Leaves unhooked

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Poetry Hadara Bar-Nadav Poetry Hadara Bar-Nadav

A Brittle Heaven

ices over. Leafless. Listless. Heaven only an idea scraping out its breath. Such cloudy

disappearances. Pentimento, palimpsest. The fade of you still lingers. Blue air splinters white.

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Poetry David Trinidad Poetry David Trinidad

Anne Sexton Visits Court Green

(July 1967)

After reading more than her allotted time

(infuriating W. H. Auden, on stage behind her)

then blowing kisses to the audience

at the Poetry International Festival,

Anne accepts Ted’s invitation

to visit him in Devon.

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