What Care the Dead for Day

who linger, who watch as I once did from the high corner of a dream, floating above your
hospital bed. I attended night for you. I guard[ed] my Master’s Head. In dreams I gave you eyes.
I gave you a shiny network of veins and a stopless heart. New forms to carry you, bind you to the
day. I should have wished your body away—erased the flesh of you, the flaw.



Titles and italics from Emily Dickinson

Hadara Bar-Nadav

Hadara Bar-Nadav’s book of poetry A Glass of Milk to Kiss Goodnight (Margie/Intuit House, 2007) won the Margie Book Prize. Her chapbook Show Me Yours (Laurel Review/Green Tower Press, 2010) won the Midwest Poets Series Award. Recent publications appear in American Poetry Review, The Iowa Review, The Kenyon Review, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, and other journals. She is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.  www.HadaraBarnadav.com


The Los Monegros Desert [Desierto de los Monegros]


How Soft This Prison Is