My Dimension

Beautiful weather here now,
            if you’re blind.  Summer
                        with that fall bite in the night air,
            and through my window,
                        the tree frogs’ hum like a flood.
                                    We don’t like redundancies.
            We think only other people repeat their stories.
                                    I thought I saw a world.
                        I thought I saw someone’s
boot on someone else’s neck.

Bruce Weigl

Bruce Weigl’s most recent collection of poetry is The Abundance of Nothing which was one of three finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry in 2013. He is a recent winner of the Robert Creeley Award for poetry. He is the author, editor, co-editor, translator and co-translator of many books of poetry, essays and poetry in translation. Next fall BOA will publish his newest collection of poetry, On the Shores of Welcome Home, winner of the Isabella Gardner Aware in Poetry. Weigl is currently at work co-translating The Tale of Kieu, the Vietnamese epic.


My Nymphomaniac

