Issue 155

Winter & Spring 2019

  • Welcome to issue 155. Last winter, TriQuarterly launched an online issue archive that made every single story, poem, essay, and video ever published in the journal available to a worldwide audience. The project was a true labor of love, involving the scanning and indexing of thousands of printed pages dating back to our very first issue (which was released in the fall of 1958 and sold at a price of fifty cents).

    Every now and then, I find myself paging through the issues in the online archive, reading decades-old works by writers like Tobias Wolff, Joyce Carol Oates, Stuart Dybek, and Grace Paley, and thinking about how these names weren’t always part of the literary canon. There was a time when these writers were considered emerging, when journals like TriQuarterly made it their mission to draw attention to their work. As the managing editor for issue 155, I’m proud to say that the work within its (digital) pages comes to us from some of the most vital voices in the literary community today. You may or may not yet recognize their names, but you’ll find their writing powerful, the content haunting, and their messages impossible to ignore. Two separate pieces address the topic of climate change, daring us to envision a future in which the commonplace becomes the stuff of legend. “Our children,” Allain Daigle predicts in his video essay “New Arctic,” “will dream about icebergs . . . strip our walls for the foundations.” And Allegra Hyde’s “Adjustments” foresees a time when we’ll tell our grandchildren stories of the days when “ice was so plentiful, people put it in their drinks just to watch it disappear.”

    Ting Chang’s poem “Prophecy” also contemplates the future, its speaker seeming to call out simultaneously to a silenced mother “who used to speak,” and to an entire population of people outraged at the current political climate. “I reject walls and those who build them,” the speaker says. “I reject the safety of fear”; and, as readers, we feel ourselves becoming swept up in the “rising undercurrent,” joining in the resolve to stand up against the injustices in our world: “Say it now: The Future.”

    But, of course, the future does not forge itself. As Chang notes in her poem “Patience,” and Ceridwen Hall observes in her essay “network,” the future is wrought out of the past. While “Patience” explores this notion on an individual level, with Chang listing the objects, places, and experiences she “come(s) from,” “network” examines it on a societal one. In an intricate weaving of then and now, Hall questions how far we’ve really come in communications technology while also calling attention to the lack of progress in workplace equality. In the late nineteenth century, we compressed our messages into telegrams; today, we compress them into rapid-fire texts. Back then women “earned lower wages, worked in smaller offices.” Now, here in the future, women are still fighting for equal pay.

    We hope you’ll spend some time with this issue, exploring its content and contemplating the inquiries that gave rise to its works. We hope, too, that you’ll discover a new voice, a writer you’ve never read before—and that when you do, you’ll join us in spreading the word.

    Carrie Muehle
    Managing Editor

    Managing Editor: Carrie Muehle
    Assistant Managing Editor: Aram Mrjoian
    Faculty Advisor: Susan Harris
    Director of Planning: Reginald Gibbons
    Film Editor: Sarah Minor
    Fiction Editors: Joshua Bohnsack, Jennifer Companek, Marina Mularz, Nate Renie
    Nonfiction Editor: Molly Sprayregen
    Poetry Editor: Dane Hamann
    Social Media Editor: Aram Mrjoian
    Copy Editor: Lys Ann Weiss
    Media Architect: Harlan Wallach
    Technical Advisors: Rodolfo Vieira, Nick Gertonson

    Ahsan Awan, Patrick Bernhard, Pascale Bishop, Erika Carey, Sara Connell, Bonnie Etherington, Audrey Fierberg, Dan Fliegel, Andrea Garcia, Caitlin Garvey, Ellen Hainen, Salwa Halloway, Madina Jenks, Jonathan Jones, Erin Keogh, Jen Lawrence, Adam Lizakowski, Marssie Mencotti, Natalia Nebel, Devin O’Shea Hillary Pelan, Megan Sullivan, Myra Thompson, Molly Tyler, Katherine Williams

Image from New Arctic

Poetry Esteban Rodríguez Poetry Esteban Rodríguez


And when her front teeth died,

and the enamel turned black,

I was sure the culprit was coal,

that my mother snacked on rocks,

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Poetry Heidy Steidlmayer Poetry Heidy Steidlmayer

The Beasts of Battle

for Eleanor

The Eagle

Hibernal folds and fields
of blight in the blue gathering—
a sky for the taking—
a sky, that taken, yields

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Poetry Alysse McCanna Poetry Alysse McCanna

A Practice of Gestures

When I was thirteen, the girl next door read my palm, taught me to cast spells;
she saw faces in things, futures in tea cups, kissed me as she cast the spell.

The first boy I loved was all lanky hands and cauliflower ears, talisman of tin.
Behind the school, skyclad, studying the speed of clouds, we kissed on the hill.

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Poetry Raymond Antrobus Poetry Raymond Antrobus

On Being Noticed

A student asks if writing is emotional

in front of his whole school and he is ten

so I try not to look too easily impressed.

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Poetry McKenzie Chinn Poetry McKenzie Chinn

California // Matter // Conspiracy

in east LA i saw a shirtless man kneel down right there on the sidewalk to pray to Allah with no prayer rug, just his half bare body, the cement and the hot sun, and his love for a god i’m not sure is really there is what helped me know which way i was traveling in a place i’ve been before but will never not be new

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Poetry Elvira Basevich Poetry Elvira Basevich


for my kid sister

I am moving up in the world my love.
I am a liturgy climbing the chambers of a small church
glowing among fireflies on a muddy roadside.

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Poetry Brian Komei Dempster Poetry Brian Komei Dempster


Some days
we are

bombed harbors,

then silence.
Other days

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Poetry Bruce Weigl Poetry Bruce Weigl

Lost in Beijing

I want to sail away on the stone boat of No Name Lake with you, away from the noise of the city beating like a heart beats against your ribs. I want to disappear into the beauty because there is nothing else to do in the face of beauty, clear like the lakes inside stars, while the wild grass strikes no deep roots, offers no beautiful flowers or leaves, yet drinks in the dew, and imbibes the flesh of the dead.

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Poetry John McCarthy Poetry John McCarthy

Scared Violent Like Horses

I was too young to call him a friend, but I had a classmate once who snuck up

behind a horse and now his body is made of a long time ago.

He is the quiet space in my memory where he never sat next to me again.

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Poetry Danusha Laméris Poetry Danusha Laméris


We want it all: potatoes pulled up

from under their poison foliage,

the artichoke’s heart, scraped clean,

the tender bodies of crustaceans, broken

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Poetry Lena Khalaf Tuffaha Poetry Lena Khalaf Tuffaha

Madwoman Ghazal

It is true we named our own sea dead.
On the houses nearby the bougainvillea flourishes.

On the shore we call this marvel majnouneh.
The sea is a body keening, glistening in sunlit flourishes.

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Poetry Bruce Weigl Poetry Bruce Weigl

Wade Park V.A.

Rain slices through me as if I was the grassy field. No matter how many times you turn the key, the lock will not open. The birth of someone’s hair piled high this morning on her head, which she did with her only remaining arm and hand. VA hospital, Wade Park.

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Poetry Tina Chang Poetry Tina Chang


I come from gravel falling from the mouth, a bent spine

from which my mother rose, from the sickness that poured

over my father in water buckets. That was the well he fell into

and the well where I waited, a body cutting into water on impact.

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