The World Will Make Outsiders of Us All If We Let It

I’m blood-hungry for touch,
            ferocious in the body,
            ferocious in my bones.

Winter’s syntax. Every day every night
            at home. Frost on the window,
            steam from the dryer vent,

the dormant orchid
            on the sill waiting to bloom.
            Icicles crack, hit the ground

with an urgency. And for a few moments
            the brilliant sun shines
            through a sliver of clouds.

Light snow shimmers like falling glitter—
            a last call for the party
            at the end of the world.

It has never been
            about finding my way
            but getting lost in that knowing.

The snow bends the boughs,
            dapples the light of your body
            which is the only light that matters.

January Gill O’Neil

January Gill O'Neil is the author of Rewilding (2018), Misery Islands (2014), and Underlife (2009), all published by CavanKerry Press, and is an associate professor at Salem State University. From 2019-2020, she served as the John and Renée Grisham Writer-in-Residence at the University of Mississippi, Oxford. O’Neil is one of five judges for the 2022 National Book Award in poetry. She lives with her two children in Beverly, Massachusetts.


Creation Story

