Issue 159

Winter & Spring 2021

  • The first days of the new year have proven what a naïve oversimplification it was to brand 2020 a bad year. The pandemic rages on, climate crisis still looms, and the continuum of destruction in the United States—one that has existed for centuries—erupted into a violent fascist insurrection. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that at times over the past months putting together a new issue of a literary magazine has felt fruitless and insignificant. I’d also be lying if I didn’t admit it was at times the only work that held me off from complete despair.

    As I grow older, my understanding of the political nature and call to action of literature has evolved. I am perhaps less convinced that a singular piece of art can change the world, but also more committed to the belief that if we continue to fight for more equity and inclusivity in American letters, if we strive for systemic changes in academia, creative writing communities, and the publishing industry at large, the arts can have more powerful economic, cultural, and political consequences.

    I know these changes can’t happen overnight; nor can they be realized without a coalition of writers, editors, and publishers dedicated to them. As my tenure as managing editor nears its close, I have thought much about TriQuarterly’s future and its role in this effort. My goal is that the journal will continue to grow through critical thinking around our editorial, hiring, and production practices. I am confident in and grateful for the team of editors who will carry TriQuarterly forward after I am gone.

    I hope you enjoy the video, poetry, and prose selections in this issue. I hope they collectively offer solace and examination, endurance and outrage, as we push forward into 2021.

    Aram Mrjoian
    Managing Editor

    Managing Editor: Aram Mrjoian
    Assistant Managing Editor: Joshua Bohnsack
    Faculty Advisor: Susan Harris
    Director of Planning: Reginald Gibbons
    Film Editor: Sarah Minor
    Fiction Editors: Vanessa Chan, Jennifer Companik, Erin Branning Keogh, Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, Emily Mirengoff
    Nonfiction Editor: Starr Davis
    Poetry Editor: Daniel Fliegel
    Social Media Editor: Joshua Bohnsack
    Copy Editor: Lys Ann Weiss
    Media Architect: Harlan Wallach
    Technical Advisors: Alex Miner, Rodolfo Vieira, Nick Gertonson

    Staff: Adam Lizakowski, Andrea Garcia, Audrey Fierberg, Bonnie Etherington, Dane Hamann, Elijah Patten, Ellen Hainen, Erica Hughes, Erika Carey, Freda Love Smith, Grace Musante, Hillary Pelan, Jonathan Jones, Laura Humble, Laura Joyce-Hubbard, Marcella Mencotti, Megan Sullivan, Michele Popadich, Miranda Garbaciak, ML Chan, Myra Thompson, Natalie Rose Richardson, Nimra Chohan, Pascale Bishop, Patrick Bernhard, Rishee Batra, Salwa Halloway, Tara Stringfellow

Image from A Turn

Poetry George H. Gurley Poetry George H. Gurley

Entering Kansas

Enter the dust devils, the dervish grasses,

prairie schooners creeping in their ruts.

Enter sod busters and ploughshares,

settlers in dugouts raving in the wind,

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Poetry Jenn Givhan Poetry Jenn Givhan

Creation Story

Before bed, my smallyets ask if I’ll meet them

at the signpost we create in sleep, & when

they wake, they’ll ask do I remember.

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Poetry Anthony Immergluck Poetry Anthony Immergluck

Of My Fictions

The immortal dogs of my fictions,

exhausted from centuries of fetch,

are laid out in puddles of sun

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Poetry Imani Elizabeth Jackson Poetry Imani Elizabeth Jackson

4 poems from the sequence "test—flux"

jughea d potted s hell he ad precious po tted jug pot she rd shard pitch er she ll woven s he l l it was multiple
and my head was a joke my head was a joke? my head became a small vessel and a precious metal was put in there

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Poetry David Winter Poetry David Winter

Lucky Jew

In Poland, folk carvings of Jews are believed to bring good luck, especially in financial matters.

I am nothing but wood
you made to mean with a knife,
two springs for my feet, a coat of paint.

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Poetry Marisa Celina Tirado Poetry Marisa Celina Tirado


Born: my fear of wind

after the microburst’s lift

of our two-story fir. I smear

eucalyptus on my shoulders

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Poetry Cameron Barnett Poetry Cameron Barnett


My love mentions that people see stars best

from the corners of their eyes, that cones

catch color in the centers, but it’s the rods

on the outsides that fetch the dimmest portions

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Poetry Paul Hlava Ceballos Poetry Paul Hlava Ceballos


The first day in the garden, God was
an immigrant who planted gulls

in clouds. Even the smallest
leaflet untangled

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