Creation Story

Before bed, my smallyets ask if I’ll meet them
at the signpost we create in sleep, & when
they wake, they’ll ask do I remember.

I take us to the cliffing place, dip our wasp-
stung faces toward the wind. It licks us till we brine.
We dream the world won’t end.

Not till the glob we’ve wadded in our pockets
is stuck safe behind our ears. Till that gumball
machine, infection-pink, has swallowed

more than it could ever spit out.
Wake up, my smallyets call to the husky dawn.
An orangesicle moon thickens behind

clouds downriver, toward Gulf’s
hungry maw. Before the tidy plots
for yards & brick on brick for keeping in

tamed creatures & making us wilds
climb, there was a teeming desert called
Stubbornheart, called Nevercede.

Scrub oak yawned its coyote breath, tumble-
weed married strum of cedar, danced
cane cholla down the aisle, spit fire-

ants into prickly pear & spindled jaw,
& everywhere, the search for joy like thirst
like sucking sand for water, like sugar spun

between the teeth. What comes next, Mama?
When the crinkled bags of Hot Funyuns
whittle in their rattling cans & we all snake away?

What then? They lick their chile-red
paws. They wait. I pool my stock, bouillon
in the ruddy broth, the mothered pot.

The next shuttering. The clocks unspool, clicks dis-
engage, & even the safe cakes disintegrate
from the last jars. We shake

the beakers at our throats & release the bees
from our eyelids. We slip into feral skins, mothered
pelts, & claw back to the blackest scales I’ve bartered

every moment for: Not the planks enclosing us
from heat, rain, predator, though our
hunger has meant these comforters, these iceboxes.

But when the cut-meat matter in our bellies
settles & the tax-collecting god has come
to make good on its promises

to slink the fleece from off our necks, the feathers
from our primal backs, then, my smallyets, then
at the very end, the very least, this:

Once in a great while a particle opens
its one Risk Eye.
And from that aperture, every slurried sunrise.

Creatures, your world-wet noses.
Snuff this world from its strangeness as you chase
what we’ve unearthed. Let it carry us home.

Jenn Givhan

Jenn Givhan is a Mexican-American/Chicana from the Southwestern desert and the recipient of poetry fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and PEN/Rosenthal Emerging Voices. She is the author of four full-length poetry collections, most recently Rosa’s Einstein (Camino Del Sol Poetry Series), two chapbooks, and the novels Trinity Sight and Jubilee (Blackstone Publishing). Her poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction have appeared in The New Republic, The Nation, POETRY, TriQuarterly, The Boston Review, The Rumpus, Salon, and many others. She's received New Ohio Review’s Poetry Prize, Phoebe Journal’s Greg Grummer Poetry Prize, the Pinch Journal Poetry Prize, and Cutthroat’s Joy Harjo Poetry Prize. Givhan can be found discussing feminist motherhood at as well as Facebook & Twitter @JennGivhan and Ig @thebrujapoeta.


Dear Millennium, A Vision in the Xeriscape


Of My Fictions