axe #6

you’re on a school bus full of ripped-up
papers and a girl with a bleeding nose.
someone hit her and wants to do the same
to you. there’s a cowlicked boy standing
in the aisle, digging
his hands in his pockets, looking
in the rearview—at the burn
on your cheek: a continent
of pain. but all you see
are cornfields and the triangle
of light you had your first kiss
under: the way knuckles turn
into fists: the gentle carving
of a wound: the stirred color
of hush in a jar.

Raven Jackson

Raven Jackson is a native of Tennessee and a Cave Canem fellow. A graduate of the New School’s Writing Program, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in CALYX, Kweli, Phantom Limb, PANK, and elsewhere. She currently attends New York University’s Graduate Film Program.


he unbuttons my shirt & i light a flame of junebugs


Still Life with Small Objects of Perfect Choking Size