he unbuttons my shirt & i light a flame of junebugs

maybe there’s duct tape
in his pocket     a butterfly


purple & knifed     this   a spoonful
of eleven p.m.
               on a stranger’s lap


his tongue clacking
against teeth   a murmur of french


bowing into cavities     i see his knife
give birth


to longing   our lungs tornadoes
loose behind ribs

                   my lips purple and fat

he     a cavity of stranger
                 a tornado called teeth

this     eleven p.m.   fat spoonfuls
of butterflies     taped to our tongues

Raven Jackson

Raven Jackson is a native of Tennessee and a Cave Canem fellow. A graduate of the New School’s Writing Program, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in CALYX, Kweli, Phantom Limb, PANK, and elsewhere. She currently attends New York University’s Graduate Film Program.


Figure Drawing


axe #6