Poem of Infinite Justice
Laugh But the jaws of the drugged tiger will equal the sage friendless on her brilliant point
Wind will batter the tents and awaken the one who peers out for the storm but meets stars only
And what seems the final fruit will be only the measure of harbors and flatterers
Hidden behind each wound is a wound that echoes only From where has this world escaped
Money passing through iron bars aches into platitudes and the joy pushed up into each body
Because the dead are uninstructed those miserable in triumph and failed at praise will be addled by the repetitions
Because your innocents were slaughtered your monsters will be honored for a hundred years
The jigsaw puzzles in hospital waiting rooms The companies audited by daydreams
Foam flakes from the breakers and tumbles through the dunes like shards of white styrene
Will this roadside stone be thrown by human aimlessness Will mercy be pulled up without the root
Because you touch a stranger and your touch comes back in his how ignorant and skillful it’s lonely in the present and we come late to life
Because the afflictions are told by others who did not suffer them again and again as they prosper
the apothecary’s chimes ring in the late March breeze The age shines its pipe by rubbing the bole along its nose
Laugh please But a sound wave becomes wood grain becomes shade and knotted fire a dimple on a pond from below