Recommended reading

Read more on memoir in a series of features Guernica Magazine is running this month:

  • Deb Olin Unferth seeks out innovative memoir and has several recommendations. The books she chooses are “as much studies of memory and memory’s mishaps and strangenesses as they were records of lives.”

  • Graphic memoir is increasingly popular. Here’s a one-page gem Unferth recommends, by Antonia Blair.

More recommended reading, melding text and visual art, from around the web:

  • Robert Randle’s review of Anthem, a graphic novel adaptation of the book by Ayn Rand, touches on the range of tastes for her philosophies, as seen through the window of a science fiction allegory.

  • Outtakes: Sestets pairs unpublished poetry of Charles Wright with imagery by Eric Appleby. Reviewer Renee Emerson writes:

The first word that comes to mind when reading this book is texture—in both the texture of landscape in Wright’s sestets and the close-up, abstract textures in Appleby’s images. The artwork works perfectly with the poetry—each are focused, minute, observations of shadow and light, life and death.

Please look for us at the Northwestern University MA/MFA in Creative Writing and TriQuarterly Online table at AWP. We’ll be blogging from the conference later this week.

Karen Zemanick

Karen Zemanick, an MFA student at Northwestern University, has published creative nonfiction and video essays. She also practices and teaches psychiatry in Chicago. She sees narrative as a tool to foster listening, community, and understanding.


AWP gets underway in Washington, D.C.


Notes on Eternity