Vanitas with Baleine

Carolyn Oliver reads "Vanitas with Baleine"

Seven-foot swells, picador 
wind jabs from the west

and horn toggles dangle 
from your open navy

coat. Thumb the deckled edge
of a baleen plate, shaggy sable

marbled keratin washed up
because resurrectable krill

couldn’t tip the scales toward
song; reckon if whales circulate

with similar chill reverence
our chance teeth among themselves.

Carolyn Oliver

Carolyn Oliver is the author of The Alcestis Machine (Acre Books, 2024) and Inside the Storm I Want to Touch the Tremble (University of Utah Press, 2022; selected for the Agha Shahid Ali Prize). Her most recent chapbook is Night Ocean (Seven Kitchens Press, 2023). Her poems appear in Copper Nickel, Poetry Daily, Image, At Length, Consequence, and elsewhere. She lives in Massachusetts.

Evil: An Interpretation


Upper Shoals, Glendale, SC