Ode to the Piñata
You’re always there for me, dear piñata. Every year you greet me when I need you most. When I’m one year closer to death. You remind me to take a second and enjoy dulces. You have a deep philosophy: swing; swing harder; eat candy. What utter wisdom. Sartre himself would be proud. Piñata, your colors are as majestic as a rainbow, swaying in the sky. Sure, I’m fully grown and don’t need you anymore. But you bring me happiness and dammit that’s important. No, I don’t eat candy anymore, but a chocolate or two won’t hurt. Besides, seeing my sobrinos run to get scattered dulces is worth any price or trouble. Maybe I will put a bouquet of carnations inside you, sweet piñata? Maybe a dozen tacos de asada? Al pastor? All kidding aside, you’ve been in our familia since the beginning, even before Los Abuelitos. I know you’ll stick around till the end. The end, when the merry world explodes, like a spinning piñata.