Apocrypha: i exist in every world

at the checkout line. at the seven-eleven.
under the scanner’s rabbit eye. you
call me forth to swallow my core.
you ugly man. you language lecher.
your dumb tongue shucks me numb,
numb. numb inside a fluorescent stripe
is where this world dies. the split of your mouth
& i am river-dye. drown my dress the people’d streets
my body of running water. i hoped knot,
hoped not, knew wood, knew would,
be called, you called, my fall-faul-
not-my-fault. god, register-man, centripetal
slur, you sir my solar sister distant & stark. sinew
starts. goddess is comma’d green. goddess is holding water
spinning me up back to me. shithead man.
you are wrong. i will flee the sea-
way into the sky & gorge. fugitive

comet, impactor, i finger the night,
my chlorophyllic streak. in fact,
secreted dawn. sol i estrophylic gleam.
dyke of the universe.

Jasmine Reid

Jasmine Reid is a twice trans poet of flowers. She is the author of Deus Ex Nigrum, winner of the 2018 Honeysuckle Press Chapbook Contest, selected by Danez Smith. An MFA graduate from Cornell University and recipient of fellowships from Poets House and Jack Jones Literary Arts, her work has been published or is forthcoming in Muzzle Magazine, Apogee, the Shade Journal, Pinwheel, and Washington Square Review, among others. A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominated poet, Jasmine was born and raised in Baltimore, MD, and is currently based in Ithaca, NY. Find her at reidjasmine.com


Prayer for Yemayá


An Introduction to Poetry