An Introduction to Poetry

When I was approached to be the guest poetry editor for TriQuarterly’s 160th issue focusing on Black voices, I didn’t hesitate to say, “yes,” because I was, and am always excited to curate a wonderful reading experience, and, of course Black voices, Black experiences, Black stories need to be told. Was there a moment when I thought this necessity, TQ’s necessity to share Black voices was just because of the 2020 uprisings in support of Black people? Yes. I was very sensitive to this and still am. Ultimately, I decided that it was more beneficial, more powerful, more communal to guest edit and offer Black poets a space to be with each other than it was to obsess over TQ’s possible public “activism.” This all to say, I wanted to love on Black poets the best I know how—publishing their work, yes, obviously, but through publication, letting them know they are loved. So, so loved.

The poets in this issue are absolute fire. I feel beyond honored to have read these poems, to fall in love with them again and again and again with every read. Love, sex, family, anger, violence, joy, nature, home, history—there is nothing this issue does not touch. This issue is a reminder that Blackness isn’t linear; Blackness is bountiful and borderless.

Reader, I wish you the best. If you can make it all the way through this issue with your edges still intact, I applaud you—or envy you.

To the poets in this issue—thank you for your vulnerability, your trust, and your words. You are beautiful.

Luther Hughes

Luther Hughes is the author of the debut poetry collection, A Shiver in the Leaves, forthcoming from BOA Editions in 2022, and the chapbook Touched (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2018). He is the founder of Shade Literary Arts, a literary organization for queer writers of color, and co-hosts The Poet Salon podcast with Gabrielle Bates and Dujie Tahat. He is the recipient of the 2020 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship and the 2020 92Y Discovery Poetry Prize. Luther was born and raised in Seattle where he currently lives.


Apocrypha: i exist in every world


portrait of rage with caution tape & bullhorns