Real Snakes

Two coiled black snakes,

I’ve come to unshackle
yr minds from metaphor,

every now & then poets
exercise the right to say

enough, shush, luxuriate
in their inscrutable moves.

Burn yr keyboards, poets!
who has seen a real snake

living their best life openly
without a shadow of doubt

chewing after them, would
you shriek and hug a friend,

would you think it’s a bad
omen, a flick of loss, death,

would you feel certain yr
fear is the right one to have.

You’ve made the snakes
nervous by now, of course.

Watch them go into hiding
far away from yr ambition,

we are left with the tintype
of memory, the day we saw

two snakes enjoying each
other candidly in the grass.

Now you tell me dear poets,
which is more sublime:

the material you are eager
to confiscate or the fresh

wave of creature pardoned
by an unseen god before u

Nikki Wallschlaeger

Nikki Wallschlaeger’s work has been featured in The Nation, Brick, American Poetry Review, Witness, Kenyon Review, POETRY, and others. She is the author of the full-length collections Houses (Horseless Press 2015)  and Crawlspace (Bloof 2017) as well as the graphic book I Hate Telling You How I Really Feel (2019) from Bloof Books. She is also the author of an artist book called “Operation USA” through the Baltimore based book arts group Container, a project acquired by Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee. Her third collection, Waterbaby, is forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press in 2021.


Out of the Woods


Paths from The First Car