A Portion of the Story of What Happened to Our Neighborhood

Stockyard trucks rumbled
Up Wentworth Avenue
Across Garfield Boulevard
Down toward the slaughterhouses.
Cows, hogs—they called them livestock,
Penned, crashing in the truck.
We could smell hairy nostril-opening death
In the city that never slept.

Across from us
Bulldozers knocked out buildings
Like a prize fighter knocks out teeth.
For the longest time, unholy ground was all that was left.
Our side of the street stood stunned, in the city that never wept.

Then rabbits came
And snakes into the open field.
We played and dreamed of open spaces, caught rabbits there.
When someone broke into the cage and stole the rabbits
We were bereft
In the city that never slept.

They dug out a hole
In the heart of the city—
A cavern covering half our street. They poured in concrete.
They made the Dan Ryan Expressway.
Cars go by night and day, day and night, where noise keeps
Coming in this city that never sleeps.

Decades. The slow rumble of time.
Chicago should have been used to it.
Blank houses and emptied lots, more people poured out.
A pounding out of losses until we were deaf. Then the thieves
And body counts of children in this city that never weeps.

We cannot record the empty parts of ourselves.
Where memories never were
But were meant to be.
We toss and turn but cannot sleep.
Our eyes burn in this city that cannot bear to weep.

Angela Jackson

Angela Jackson, award winning poet, playwright and novelist, is the recipient of the Shelley Memorial Award from the  Poetry Society of America, the Pushcart Prize for poetry, and the American Book Award for her debut novel Where I Must Go. Its sequel was awarded the John Gardner Fiction Prize. Jackson is the recipient of a National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship for Fiction, and Illinois Arts Council Creative Writing Fellowships for Fiction and Play Writing. In 2017 Beacon Press published A Surprised Queenhood in the New Black Sun: The Life and Legacy of Gwendolyn Brooks. In 2019 Northwestern University Press published her play, Comfort Stew. These poems are from a forthcoming volume, More Than Meat and Raiment. Jackson lives in Chicago.


Father, Farther: 1986


The Wisdom of Ghosts