Pantoum with Lines from Katherine Mansfield’s Journal

The year is nearly over. 
A thick white mist reaches the edge of the field.
There is no limit to human suffering.
I am sad tonight. Perhaps it is the wind. 

A thick white mist reaches the edge of the field.
This joy of being alone. What is it?
I am sad tonight. Perhaps it is the wind.
The black chair, half in shadow, as if a happy person sprawled there. 

This joy of being alone. What is it?
I feel the new life coming nearer.
The black chair, half in shadow, as if a happy person sprawled there.
For all the sun, it is raining outside. 

I feel the new life coming nearer.
And then the dream is over and I begin working again.
For all the sun, it is raining outside.
I feel always trembling on the brink of poetry. 

And then the dream is over and I begin working again.
Am I less of a writer than I used to be?
I feel always trembling on the brink of poetry.
Sometimes I glance up at the clock. 

Am I less of a writer than I used to be?
I must begin all over again.
Sometimes I glance up at the clock.
To look up through the trees to the faraway blue. 

I must begin all over again.
To live—to live—that is all.
To look up through the trees to the faraway blue.
I want to remember how the light fades from a room. 

To live—to live—that is all.
There is no limit to human suffering.
I want to remember how the light fades from a room.
The year is nearly over.  

Source text: Journal of Katherine Mansfield, ed. by J. Middleton Murry. New York: Knopf, 1936.

Angela Narciso Torres

Angela Narciso Torres is the author of Blood Orange, winner of the Willow Books Literature Award for Poetry. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in POETRY, Missouri Review, Quarterly West, Cortland Review, and PANK. A graduate of Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers and Harvard Graduate School of Education, Angela has received fellowships from Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Illinois Arts Council, and Ragdale Foundation. She received First Prize in the 2019 Yeats Poetry Prize (W.B. Yeats Society of New York). New City magazine named her one of Chicago's Lit 50 in 2016. Born in Brooklyn and raised in Manila, she currently resides in South Florida. In 2020 she joins the conference faculty of the Palm Beach Poetry Festival as a manuscript consultant. She serves on the editorial panel of New England Review and is a senior and reviews editor for RHINO Poetry.


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