Kitsch Postcards

Marie Craven

Marie Craven (Queensland, Australia), has made short films for over 30 years. Her work has exhibited extensively at international festivals and events, and gathered several awards. She first encountered the contemporary genre of video poetry in 2014. In the five years since she has released over 60 videos in the form, mostly in net-collaboration with poets and other artists around the world. Over the decades, she has freelanced as a teacher of screen-writing at universities, technical colleges and community centres; a reviewer of films and books; an arts administrator; and a curator of film exhibitions. In late 2018, she judged the inaugural Videopoem Contest for the US literary journal, Atticus Review. A major project of 2019-20 is curating and managing the Poetry + Video touring program of video poems from around the world.


Poetry + Video Project:


Orbital Decay


I Have a Secret Crush on Everyone in the World