
First the smell, then the ribs
fetid at the edges of the dark water.  

Rotted, open, I visit each day, 
monitor the slow decay, think deer,  

then raccoon, then possum. What’s left—
matted fur emerging from mud,  

a small skull, all carnivorous teeth
intact. Is it not a waste to leave it reeking  

at the shoreline of a manmade pond? 
I plunge a stick into parietal space, pluck  

skull from spine, the bone’s silent release.
Surrender body by water’s edge,  

a whole faceless face dangles
from crooked branch. I leave  

rove beetles to work, glean meaty creases, 
liberate a waxless shape. Days later  

I home the form, brighten it with bleach
to adorn my altar. Kin to hawk feathers,  

driftwood, Caribbean shells, round stones
smaller than my palm. Preservation— 

an act of praise. I kneel in reverence, 
forehead to floor in prayer. 

Rage Hezekiah

Rage Hezekiah is a Cave Canem and MacDowell Fellow who earned her MFA from Emerson College. She is a recipient of the Saint Botolph Emerging Artist Award in Literature and was nominated for Best New Poets, 2017. Her recent chapbook, Unslakable, is a 2018 Vella Chapbook Award Winner with Paper Nautilus Press. Stray Harbor, her debut full-length collection of poems, is forthcoming with Finishing Line Press. Rage’s poems have appeared in The Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, Rattle, Salamander, and several other journals and anthologies. You can find more of her work at


Kiss Another Wolf Deep in Silk


Crosstown Two after Low Spirit Snowfall: Fire and Coal Vision