the world
from espèce
Translated by Nathanaël
[ Note: “The world” is extracted from the “termes” (terms) series, in which each poem evolves from a single substantive to its termination. ]
the eldest of the sisters is ready
she is dolling herself up
every evening readies herself for the big night
she will testify
she will write what she sees
sometimes the little sisters mock her a bit
it doesn’t change anything
she makes herself beautiful to receive the lamb
the one that is standing the slaughtered one
she and he occupy the same rank in the order
of generations
first-born among the dead
the elders have traveled in their light
the horses arrive at last
white red black and green
the eldest sister fears for them
the misleader leads the people to war
she fears that death will really kill them
September 4, 2014