While Away

When the satellite signal berserks, the conversations
Begin. Today’s devotional: Windex scattershot, ecstatic

Gasp of the punctured cat food tin. It seems everything
Within earshot has something to say. The linoleum unpeels

Itself, an obscene gesture clearly meant for the wood floor
Gloating in the hallway. The hallway, a throat choked with

Orchid & its own wool tongue. The orange peels & cayenne
Drop a dime on the cat. The pink of the disposable razor ignites

An unwinnable debate with the pangs of pocketchange
Loose in the dryer. The shower curtain remembers

Then forgets to hide the clawfeet, then chucks its rings
Into the tub like breadcrumbs, like laughter.

Broil is the oven’s only talent. It’s silk when I slip
My hands into that heat, like testing a stocking for holes.

Well what do you expect when you give a house a name?
Let’s review: first, I am redundant with bleach. Next,

The gutters are drunk again. Finally, even the wildlife
Know better than to put a lock on something

Made of glass. When your kiss turns
Lemon-fresh, I will know to wipe you clean.

Amy Woolard

Amy Woolard is a public policy attorney and lobbyist working on child welfare, child poverty and juvenile justice issues in Virginia. She is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop and the University of Virginia School of Law. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as Best New Poets 2013, the Virginia Quarterly Review, The Massachusetts Review, Fence, and The Journal among others. She lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.


Easy Does It


Things Go South