About Z

In my dreams
                      yours is the whitest thigh

    whiter still in August

against your bulk
                               your tanning brawn

           Your vascularity is in line
with each of my desires to trace

                         to bite hard
               to push against and grip

In my seeing
                     your thigh is so white
            that I cannot bear comportment I

                     cannot bear to write you
                 in any metered way

            This poem is an affidavit

of your smile’s long range how
static sits in longing how

                swimming up from the bottom of a pool
       you devastated me

                        with such a face and wet head of hair
            that built down to squareness of chest
                                       to trunks
                                       to the revelation of

Joseph Spece

Joseph Spece is the editor at SHARKPACK Poetry Review. His first book of poems, Roads (Cherry Grove), appeared in February 2013. He lives outside Boston, Massachusetts. 


grand re-opening of the nostalgia factory shut down for dangerous working conditions (it’s my birthday)


Journey Man