To The Listener

you can hear wood breaking                         you’ve gotten close   in the riverbed            with the crowd stacked in and the pallets burning with a slice of rebar     someone flogs a beat onto a paint can   with a voice to hack a lawnmower                                                    in half       a man in a wheelchair sings   with diminished fifths elbowed into his oak accordion     his words                                                                        you must bend down to hear   you’ve gotten close enough to smell his sawdust                             his cigar     a smoldering wand   and something of you is breaking when he chants above the croaking accordion                something of your town   you must find for your people in the sound of bones and wood   a sliver of joy                                           as the fifths of vodka diminish as the crowd inches toward the fire   at the wheelchair                 you huck your spit-cup in the tobacco sucker-punch               in the fist         in the bottle                            in the gravel                                                       and the teeth                                                in the final kick against the Ford’s fender in the unhinged jaw and in the sampling of a silent man’s pulse   when you step over the body you hear music                                               when you wipe the blood from your boot

Ephraim Scott Sommers

Ephraim Scott Sommers was born in Atascadero, California and received his MFA from San Diego State University. A singer and guitar player, Ephraim has produced three full-length albums of music and toured both nationally with his band Siko and internationally as a solo artist. His poetry has appeared in The Adirondack Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Columbia Review, Harpur Palate, New Madrid, RATTLE, RHINO Poetry, Verse Daily and elsewhere. His work is also forthcoming in Copper Nickel. The managing editor of Flashpoint: A Journal of Literature and Music, Ephraim is currently a doctoral fellow at Western Michigan University where he teaches creative writing. Please visit


From the Waters Have We Learned


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