Literary Chicago

As I’ve alluded to in previous posts, the literary nightlife in Chicago is a rather girthy beast.  There are independent bookstores like The Book Cellar and Quimby’s in which Chicago’s readers can support independent businesses and local authors (or perhaps relive the glory days of spending hours browsing in real life, brick and mortar bookstores). There are reading series like Danny’s Tavern and Reading Under the Influence which afford attendees liquor-lubricated literary evenings.

Just keeping tabs on all there is to do and see in this city can become too much to handle, which is why I’d like to direct your attention to one specific website. Whether you’re a Chicago literary newcomer or someone who has already run the Windy City’s literary gambit, this website will be helpful:

Literary Chicago posts reviews of readings and events (with irregular consistency), but that’s not necessarily its most valuable function. I am, instead, highlighting the comprehensive list of links organized on the website’s left hand side. This content is split into three sections—the first of which is links to other websites which cover Chicago’s literary scene.  This alone makes Literary Chicago worth visiting. The second set of links is a list of ongoing reading series—not all of which were created equal.  If you are interested in finding a new literary event to attend, I highly suggest clicking through this list.  You can get a feeling each reading’s ethos by its website. The last section provides links to Chicago’s independent literary magazines (including TQO).   

In short—if you’re interested in Chicago’s current literary culture, take a few moments and click around  

Patrick Carberry

Patrick Allen Carberry is an MFA candidate at Northwestern University and teaches writing at Harper College. His fiction has been published in a number of wonderful publications and can be found by googling his name.    


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Tamura Ryuichi: On the Life and Work of a 20th Century Master