If poetry scares you, you're not alone

Laura Miller interviews poetry critic David Orr this week in Salon. Orr’s new book, Beautiful and Pointless: A Guide to Modern Poetry, is targeted to a smart, literary audience who do not read poetry. Orr describes his purpose:

I would like for a person to feel, after reading my book, not that they know everything about poetry or that they now have some instructions for reading poetry or even that they should read poetry -- but just this: Should they decide to read poetry, they might do so with slightly less terror.

For more discussion about contemporary issues in poetry, check out the Poetry Foundation’s Harriet blog and twitter feed. Each month, a different poet takes over tweeting. In today’s blog, Amber Tamblyn comments about the poetry contest she is judging for Buzznet in recognition of National Poetry Month, reaching out to a pop culture audience:

I know poetry can be off-putting when you’re young and just learning the art of sharpening yourself into a unique weapon to bring to The Battle of Life. . . . I hope this contest will destigmatize our world of poetry. Will make it feel less untouchable, more approachable.

On the subject of blogs, get born magazine is soliciting writers/bloggers on topics related to motherhood for a monthly rotation on their website. Contact editor Heather Janssen. Personal and financial pressures have compelled Janssen to end the print version of the magazine, but she maintains an active Facebook page and website.

Karen Zemanick

Karen Zemanick, an MFA student at Northwestern University, has published creative nonfiction and video essays. She also practices and teaches psychiatry in Chicago. She sees narrative as a tool to foster listening, community, and understanding.


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