A guided tour of the internet

Macy Halford from the Book Bench found a book--a real, dead-tree book--to use as a guide for online research. The History Highway 2000 is a bibliography of every history-related website as of the year 2000. Her intention was to use it to make a list of sites, visit them for her reasearch, and be done with it. Sounds efficient, until the internet got in the way:

It occurred to me during this adventure that one of the main reasons I miss book-based research is that it is conducive to forming ideas. It is repetitive, like the click, click of Internet research, but it is slow and silent: in between reading, taking notes, looking up call numbers in a catalogue, and walking to retrieve books, facts connect into thoughts and thoughts into ideas. I recall doing most of the mental "writing" of papers during this period of research. Nowadays, I end my bouts of info-surfing in a state of confusion and exhaustion. I require a twenty-four-hour detox period before the factoids begin to rearrange themselves into a somewhat logical formation.

Even an unabashed internet evangelist like myself has to admit this is true. I remember days where I didn't have a lot to do at work and spent most of it goofing around online, and at the end of it my brain felt wrung out like a flimsy sponge (and my workplace blocks most of the sources for truly inane content: YouTube, Facebook, etc). While I still call bullshit on Nicholas Carr's idea that the internet forces its distractions on us, like Halford, I miss the way searching books only gives us a chance to breathe and think.

Matt Wood

Matt Wood is a book review editor for TriQuarterly, and a writer and social media specialist for the University of Chicago Medicine. He graduated from the Master of Arts in Creative Writing program at Northwestern University in 2007, where his final thesis, "Through an Unlocked Door," won the Distinguished Thesis Award.

Twitter: @woodtang

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