Friday variety

News and amusements from around the web:

  • Nina MacLaughlin lists grown-up alternatives to books you loved when you were 16 that may not hold up to an adult re-read. Agree or disagree.

  • This past week, both Google and Apple released their digital subscription plans, by which publishers can sell online subscriptions on the web or through mobile apps. Apple’s plan, in which Apple keeps 30% of the subscription’s cost, is thought to be too restrictive. Under Google’s One Pass plan, Google will keep 10% of the revenue. Purchasers should be aware that Google will share their name, zip code, and email address unless they specifically refuse.

  • Michael Kardos, author of the story collection One Last Good Time, talks about book trailers on the internet, and gets noticed with his low tech version.

  • Phoning it in: The Drum, an entirely audio literary magazine, is soliciting phone submissions of short-shorts, two minutes or less.

  • A new online literary journal out of Emory College of Arts and Sciences launched its first issue.  describes itself as an online peer-reviewed quarterly journal of scholarship in the humanities, plus poetry, editorials, reviews, and more. also features 'the Tank,' a forum for comment on provocative new scholarly work.”

  • Christopher Benfey reveals a subversive message in Cézanne’s paintings of card players, in a captioned slide show.

Enjoy your Friday.

Karen Zemanick

Karen Zemanick, an MFA student at Northwestern University, has published creative nonfiction and video essays. She also practices and teaches psychiatry in Chicago. She sees narrative as a tool to foster listening, community, and understanding.


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