Friday flow

From the digital to the sublime:

  • Mashable predicts five trends in how digital media are used to create, aggregate, and disseminate content, including this example: "Beyond Facebook, news organizations such as The Atlantic and Newsweek are using Tumblr to tell the stories behind the ones they publish, start conversations with readers, and curate and share third-party content."

  • After the popular success of his serial parody on Twitter, Dan Sinker donated Mayor-Elect Rahm Emanuel’s $5,000 donation to Young Chicago Authors. matched the donation and radio hosts Roe Conn and Richard Roeper added $1,000 each.

  • Glenn Schaeffer writes about how his MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop serves him well in his business career. He notes, “People depend on narratives to get them through life,” and, “There was a day when imagination in business held sway over sheer analytics.”

  • The Guardian writes about chapbooks worth collecting: "Today's chapbooks, which are enjoying a revival along with independent regional publishing...are objects of beauty in their own right, with emphasis on original design as well as being a showcase for original writing."

  • Geoffrey Hepstonstall reviews Anne Fadiman’s Ex Libris as a starting point for a refreshing discussion of metaphor. He asks, "How do we explain a metaphor except by the metaphor itself, or by another of its kind? Consider this: 'Were I to dream of paradise, and in that dream someone handed me a flower, and on waking that flower were in my hand, what then?'" Read to the end to explore Coleridge, and imagination, further.

Enjoy your weekend. Remember our reading for recent MA/MFA graduates is this Sunday afternoon in Evanston.

Karen Zemanick

Karen Zemanick, an MFA student at Northwestern University, has published creative nonfiction and video essays. She also practices and teaches psychiatry in Chicago. She sees narrative as a tool to foster listening, community, and understanding.


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