The Friday File, 10/22/2010
You ever take a Thursday off and wonder what made you think it would be a good idea to go back to work on Friday? Yeah, I'm having one of those days. But I did manage to find a few good links to take you through the afternoon:
Making the case for teaching lit mags in class, say for instance, this one. It's free!
Just how long does it take the Goodnight Moon bunny to say goodnight? Still not as long as it takes my two-year-old to go to sleep, I'll wager.
Considering Moleskines in the digital age (I have a thing for Moleskines, so I'll link to pretty much any article I find about them).
Thinking about writing an essay collection? Philip Lopate is here to crush your dreams while wearing MC Hammer pants.
Iron Horse Literary Review has a one-sentence story contest. Do Tweets count?
Just in time for Nanowrimo, a character name and place generator. (via eBookNewser)
Holding out for paper books while acknowledging they'll eventually go the way of the CD.
Have a good weekend.