In fine company

We’re pleased to report that TriQuarterly Online was just named a runner-up for the Million Writers Award for best new online magazine.  Also, Jane Hamilton’s short story “Scarf Dancers,” published in TQO Issue 138, Summer/Fall 2010,was selected as a Million Writers Award Notable Story of 2010. 

Jason Sanford, founding editor of storySouth online literary journal, established the Million Writers Awards in 2004 to bring “needed attention and exposure to new and emerging writers while also showcasing the best online magazines.” We are in excellent company with this year’s award for best online publication going to Words without Borders. See all the awards and notable stories linked here.

The top ten stories of the year will be selected from this list and announced on May 20, after which public voting for the best story begins. Sanford will blog about the stories over the coming month.

Learn more about Jane Hamilton in this 2010 interview with TQO, in which she discusses what drives her as a writer, the role of e-books, the relationship between short stories and novels, and more. Congratulations, Jane!

Karen Zemanick

Karen Zemanick, an MFA student at Northwestern University, has published creative nonfiction and video essays. She also practices and teaches psychiatry in Chicago. She sees narrative as a tool to foster listening, community, and understanding.


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