Catching up with Monday

First, I have a couple tangents related to my thoughts about Wikipedia last week.

  • Surely The Atlantic would not condone false information, as they publish a first draft of Longfellow’s poem on the aforenamed rider.

Tech stuff:

  • A student at a community college in California has filed a grievance with the school alleging unfair added fees for access to e-textbooks. I think new media create new questions that should be debated.

  • This blog post about using Twitter’s Retweet button versus typing “RT” interests me because it emphasizes how new rules of social media etiquette and savvy change so rapidly.

  • Take a breath. Take another one. There’s an app to help you stop multitasking all day, called “The Mindfulness App.”

Finally, a friend writes that he’s putting off reading The Pale King, in part because, “I'm somewhat ambivalent about reading it since it will be a tough read and a long sad goodbye.” For any who want company, here’s much more to read on David Foster Wallace at The Quarterly Conversation.

Karen Zemanick

Karen Zemanick, an MFA student at Northwestern University, has published creative nonfiction and video essays. She also practices and teaches psychiatry in Chicago. She sees narrative as a tool to foster listening, community, and understanding.


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