The Brett Favre musical

What does quarterback Brett Favre have to do with books? Nothing. But TQO interview subject and New Yorker editor Ben Greenman has written a musical about the perpetually retiring NFL legend, and it's awesome. Behold:

I offer you a portrait of
A great man who can be fickle
That man, you see, is me. It’s me!
I’ve said the same to Rachel Nichols

Why am I damned for waffling?
I did not commit a murder
I merely changed my mind sometimes.
Ask Jay Glazer. Ask Ed Werder.

Granted, that may require some prior knowledge of ESPN personalities to appreciate. If you like that sort of thing, Greenman also wrote a Tiger Woods musical.

Matt Wood

Matt Wood is a book review editor for TriQuarterly, and a writer and social media specialist for the University of Chicago Medicine. He graduated from the Master of Arts in Creative Writing program at Northwestern University in 2007, where his final thesis, "Through an Unlocked Door," won the Distinguished Thesis Award.

Twitter: @woodtang

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