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direction de Paul Dibon), Paris: Vrin, 1959, pp. 66-80. "Kaplan i blazen: Rozwasania 0 teologicznym ... i jI,![ysli Spolecznej (Archive of the History of Philosophy and Social Thought), Warsaw, 1960, VI, 39-99 ...
revolves around Facebook and Twitter: Now traffic to two of the most popular blog-hosting sites, Blogger ... traffic grew by 66% last year and Twitter’s by 47%...... People are not tiring of the chance to publish ... recent on top. Yet Facebook, Twitter and the like have broken the blogs’ monopoly. I've been saying ...
Page 9 from Issue 99 TRIQUARTERLY flooded by heavy rain, it was a smell like the fish- and ... heard it said that if one of the frog couple dies the other one will stop eating and die too, but where ... birch-colored legs bared from gray shorts bends forward and pedals to come up the hill so that her hips seem to ...
Page 57 from Issue 99 TRIQUARTERLY made me human. Suddenly, I wanted badly to remember, to call ... falling out from under your feet. It's horrible." "Once the fires reach the ... I wouldn't eat with them, I wouldn't take a drink. I had refused time and time again. They pursued ...
Page 80 from Issue 64 know how long I've been waiting?" He had a crumpled white ... way down when the stores opened. I had to look like a shopper so they wouldn't ask me to ... hips would be very stiff tomorrow. "Why are you eating candy?" "Because ...
Page 225 from Issue 99 TRIQUARTERLY good music comes about: by listening to the streets, to the ... through, as the line moved forward once again. "You become 'dangerous' when you ... an unseen inmate, over in the cove of the sally port. "YOUR CASE WOULD BE LIKE ASKING THE ...
a friend at the Hindu with the thought that they might publish them on the Sunday literary page. The editor ... himself and I valued his words but what did he mean by the distrust of beauty? He had touched a nerve and ... I wrote back the same day, March 18, 2003, by email: Dear R., Beauty and terror-we must speak of all that ...
Page 101 from Issue 80 watch me and my little sisters and at times she would just start to cry. ... She would stand in the doorway watching us-we might just be eating in the kitchen, or out in the yard ... a whole lot like your own, don't they? I mean more than anybody else's, like even your ...
William Hunt
80 From Through the Red Sea (After the Paintings of Anselm Kiefer) William Hunt WE LOOK into the ... and thigh bow, bulge, throb. Hold your breath, my love. We are young again, looking back below the ... past, at your slim form that flickers past, swimming swiftly in the love slick dark underwater we wear. ...
Page 45 from Issue 80 Nocturne Heavy with wine and words and years You make the rounds, you douse ... your life will be, You will move no human heart, you Will climb the stairs. Love is, at last, Only ... a wish to do no hurt. And lamp by lamp the night comes in. 45 Issue 80 page ...
