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short, of the spirit's having entered, in that unique Greek moment of history, the body of the ...
Brother­ hood to which Yeats adhered-though he never seems to have taken the oath-was doing during these ...
survive, the writer must have both luck and a gimmick. It is in these qualifications that the split between ...
Within the context of full association with the socialist bloc, Polish diplomats since 1956 have spoken ...
wouldn't have minded the nurses' blunt be­ havior if they had been busy but Hester could see that ...
Guy Papenhausen
hair was long, too long. They would have to cut it for the bier. Perching himself on the side of the ...
full party membership in the univer­ sity. Each faculty of the university may have a similar Party ...
ancient oracular shrine, and had been initiated into the mysteries of Dionysus. He must have spent most of ...
JoAnna Sympson
anything. She wouldn't have minded the nurses' blunt be­ havior if they had been busy but ...
conversation. People make pies. People have occasion to comment on the existence of pies. I mean, it’s natural ...
