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using Twitter’s Retweet button versus typing “RT” interests me because it emphasizes how new rules of ... Karen Zemanick Monday, June 6, 2011 Blog First, I have a couple tangents related to my thoughts ... they publish a first draft of Longfellow’s poem on the aforenamed rider. Tech stuff: A student at ...
out and, at least at first, you have force yourself to swallow it. Like a scratchy vitamin.... A poem ... Might be a good day for Twitter breaks after all. I have two further recommendations regarding poetry: ... a random poem from the website each day for a month, then picked four favorites and read the books in which ...
Spring 1970
race as preserved in its literature-wells up & becomes actual in the present of the poem ... Bunting's-marvelous long poem "Briggfiatts," that vast & complex meditation on love, time, death, & ... solid as the marble gravestone which is one of the poem's recurrent figures. A mason times his ...
a little baby fetus charm with its umbilical cord connec­ ted to the head of a dreaming person, whose eyes ... doorway. "I got a poem," Lily said. Her eyes were red from crying. "They ... song. I'm a whore, he said, But my baby girl could sing. She could sing, Lil Bit. Now ...
