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Page 66 from Issue 80 "I Heard a Fly Buzz... " for Bruce and LitJija Renner ... Or because I'd spent a lifetime trying to be good. I thought I heard a tune from a calliope, ... Meandered through my consciousness like numbers in a Stark, mechanical affair of abstract objects in ...
skrifter. 7). 80 Russia Then and Now, 1892-1917. My Mission to Russia during the Famine of 1891-1892 with ... 27th-of the eight days White spent in Moscow (March 23-30). (I am most grateful to Profes­ sor Patricia ... whether Tolstoy was aware of the impact his own writ­ ings had made on Howells. 99 Autobiography, pp. 82, ...
1 wouldn't be able to read the text I'd published, since I didn't know Spanish. Which, if ... Page 187 from Issue 80 explain the precarious status of his nation to Argentines. But his attempt ... it served for anything... served as a metaphor for my situation... amid the catastrophic headlines ...
Shadow, Poor Smoke, My Dust and Dreams­ Nothing but Nothing's as it seems. 41 Issue 80 page ... Page 41 from Issue 80 The Mimic Nothing, the night we met, was missed­ Hanover, Paris, Wichita, ... Hours that spent us, left us raw, Feature and phrase that aped the twist, The gesture and the gist of ...
smell myself beyond hope of washing it off. Damn to hell these sores on my nose that keep me from ... Page 80 from Issue 90 TRIQUARTERLY every day over a lifetime if I could, toothless and weak and ... sickroom window-now I can't get the smell out of my nose, I think it's coming off of me, ...
Page 80 from Issue 38 M.R.: Yes. I like the concept and hope that that is what my work ... published in Belgium, very reactionary, made a real plea for my confinement in an asylum. You know, if the ... they had read it, if they knew how to read, it would have been worse. You know there are some people ...
Winter 2004
species. In the wilds that can happen to the point of extinction­ I know myself. 80 Issue 118 page ... Page 80 from Issue 118 Kimiko Hahn Cyanopsitta Spixi i All the skins left of the cobalt-blue macaw ... Brazil. How extreme to be so select that price keeps one's species thin until, by 1998, a single ...
of gold, to god knows where. Each read at once the other's face. Touching our lithe and ... Page 43 from Issue 80 Ladder Hard beside you, in your bronze car, I felt as one who'd ... lively tongues, Sweetly, sweetly we climbed the rungs. 43 Issue 80 page ...
Page 80 from Issue 82 well he seems molded to that chair. Just so would he mold himself to her, ... morning before she was even awake. He would have to leave early, he'd told her 80 Issue 82 page ... chest to chest, groin to groin, his body pressing into hers and hers, like hot wax, receiving his ...
Page 81 from Issue 80 Six Poems Lawrence Schmidt Day Labor for Taura 1 think of you moving alone ... through pulling tassle after tass le till you know where, behind which leaf, the sheathed male bud is ... hidden and where, just where, to break it clean. But there are others-twenty, thirty?-day laborers who ...
