
Kamari Bright

With the goal of creating something that starts the process of healing for herself and others, Kamari Bright is a poet/videopoet/multimedia creative heavily inspired by her personal growth and observations. Her videopoems have been internationally received and lauded at Seattle Black Film Festival, the Film and Video Poetry Symposium, Tacoma Film Festival, and many others festivals; while their poetry has been featured in “NILVX: A Book of Magic,” “2018 Jack Straw Writers Anthology,” “Moss,” Bellwether Arts Week, and other avenues. The 2022 Artist Trust Fellowship Award for Black Artists recipient is currently working on a manuscript connecting the influence of Christian folklore on present-day misogyny, and a videopoem extrapolating collective trauma and its connection to land stewardship. She currently lives, loves, and eats on the land of the Duwamish.


Introduction to Video Essays


The Seafarer