Holidaying with Dad During the Divorce

His car is a nervous breakdown,
scattering chrome along the motorway.
He gasps through panic attacks
in tunnels and medieval towers.
The falconry display goes on regardless
and eejits in velour have a crack
at each other with plywood lances.
I’m in fugue state, headphones glued
to me as mum calls to accuse him of kidnapping. 
Come for a drink, he says. 
No. Retreat to the Travelodge,
dry my one pair of decent flares
rancid from days of rain,
in the mysterious trouser press.
My anger flits and shifts
like a clot of starlings.
He presses into my hands
some Günter Grass,
and Sylvia Plath—
time-capsule messages
in a language we don’t share,
and the evening heaves
with the bellow of cows
taken from their calves.

Jessica Traynor

Jessica Traynor’s debut collection, Liffey Swim (Dedalus Press, 2014), was shortlisted for the Strong/Shine Award and in 2016 was named one of the best poetry debuts of the past five years on The Quick, was a 2019 Irish Times poetry choice. Awards include the Ireland Chair of Poetry Bursary and Hennessy New Writer of the Year. Paper Boat, a new opera commission, will premiere in 2022. Residencies in 2021-22 include Yeats Society Sligo, The Seamus Heaney Home Place and the DLR LexIcon. She is a Creative Fellow of UCD. Pit Lullabies will be published by Bloodaxe Books in March 2022.


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El Silencio