On the Water Taxi across the Potomac After Rehab

Long after
her fears had passed     my daughter asks
me why the river never flows back.
I tell her that it’s like     how bones
grow in the womb     unbroken &
witness     to every good thing     how
life happens there     & once cared for her
in the way I couldn’t     for eight months & another
five years     when I wanted to. She nods
off & the court chaperone smiles
showing me the time.

Christopher J. Greggs

Christopher J. Greggs is a Callaloo and Watering Hole fellow and was the recipient of the Goodman Poetry prize from the City College of New York. His work has been published in the Promethean Literary Journal, Great Weather for MEDIA, and TriQuarterly. He lives in D.C. with his fiancé Nadia.


When the World


Yes, I Would Like to Imagine the Self