Monogamy Picture

In an open room of a clean theatre
two children concentrate on rolling
a thousand napkins with the right
crease. That is intimacy. I am no longer
able to tier my joy. I am no longer able
to imagine what to do with an empty plot
in America. Often, I pay a man to pay me
a visit. He sits in my car and tells me to go
home when it is time to go home.
I am proud of my borders. I am prouder
than maybe I should be. I am healthy
right now. I am happy with my shape.
I am growing trees on my property
to discourage run-off. I tend and watch
them and then I am not troubled.

Josh Kalscheur

Josh Kalscheur is the author of Tidal (Four Way Books), which was the winner of the 2013 Levis Prize in Poetry and was published in Spring 2015. Individual poems have been published or are forthcoming in Boston Review, Pleaides, The Iowa Review and Slate among others. He is the 2015-16 Halls Emerging Artist Fellow at the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing.


Excerpts from People to Run From


Vandalism Picture