my obedient body becomes wild again
obeisant to salt and plastic water bottles
obese cauldron of a boy whose pupils become planets
obstetrician who midwifes serotonin
the kitchen linoleum an obverted dance floor
my skin an obscenity i can’t keep my tongue off
so what if this euphoria is only ephemeral 
if tomorrow i find the night absconded
            with my smile
if the man i love turns over in his sleep
and becomes a hollowed out gourd
                    with a horror mask face
if every object of my intimacy becomes ash
i will still thank each marked and unnamed chemical
            for making oblivion in my blood
dopamine  mephedrone  amphetamine
you bring opalescence to the meat
you make the abattoir smell sweet

Sam Sax

Sam Sax is a 2015 NEA Fellow and a Poetry Fellow at The Michener Center for Writers where he serves as the Editor-in-chief of Bat City Review. He's the author of the chapbooks, A Guide to Undressing Your Monsters (Button Poetry, 2014) and sad boy / detective (Winner of the Black Lawrence's 2014 Black River Chapbook Prize). His poems are forthcoming in The Beloit Poetry Journal, Boston Review, Indiana Review, Ninth Letter, Poetry Magazine, Salt Hill, and other journals.

Photography by Hollis Rafkin.



