
Translated by Jesse Lee Kercheval

This detachment is like undressing.
Gestures, looks, voices now appear
as cast-off clothes. 

The habitual replies, defenses,
remains of gray gossip,
fall over us. 

And so much work, such a cost
to take them off. Still they have weight.
This cloud has fallen,
slack smiles fall
blank looks fall
indifferent voices
without weight

Now there is a storehouse.
How can we empty the night
of these bitter ashes
and be able to sleep?


Translation of "Noctorno" by Circe Maia. By arrangement with the author.

Circe Maia

Circe Maia is the author of nine books of poetry. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1932, she has lived most of her life in Tacuarembó, where she taught philosophy and worked translating French, Greek, and English authors into Spanish, including Cavafy and Shakespeare. Her collected poems Circe Maia: Obra poética was published in Uruguay in 2011. In 2013, she was awarded the Delmira Agustini Medal of Art by Uruguayan President José Mujica.


Firing the M-1 Garand

