Preliminary Sketch

Translated from Arabic by Fady Joudah

The talk that remained in the house, when we went out,
remained alone
and agitated
pacing its domains
like a stubborn wolf.

The talk that remained on the bed
and between the chairs,
in the mutterings of the hallway,
on the oil painting
and in the dice:
whenever I’d come back from my office,
where I’d lose a new day and a tomorrow,
I used to see it searching
like the mad
for a gap in silence.

I’d watch it as it unintentionally killed off its offspring.

Ghassan Zaqtan

Ghassan Zaqtan (b.1954) is a prominent Palestinian poet, widely acclaimed across the Arab world. A translated selection of his most recent poetry in the last ten years, Like a Straw Bird It Follows Me, is due from Yale University Press in April of 2012. Zaqtan is also a novelist and editor. He lives in Ramallah.


The Camp Prostitute


A Graphic 1995