October Fire

Contributor's Note

October Fire is a phenomenological exploration of interstitial place. It was filmed on location in California. We’d stopped off to visit family and friends in California while relocating from the Pacific Northwest to the east coast. It was a brief and surreal break—palm trees, sunshine, and surfers, in winter. And then the fires. The Santa Ana winds spread wildfires toward the coastline. The mountains we needed to drive through blazed for days and days. The wildfires severely altered the landscape in a matter of weeks.

October Fire started as a letter while I was there. I recorded what I’d written and as the fires approached I shot and then layered images of surfers and beach. I was in transit, in between my old life and a new one. This is about feeling the conflict of life moving on in the midst of catastrophe.

Michael Lent

Michael Lent is an artist and researcher working with drawing, text, video, and installation while exploring time-based and new media as a method of art making. He is interested in finding ephemeral places and defining their space in both his studio work and writing. These spaces are frequently transient, and he documents their momentary existence in order to explore them in the studio, often building transparent layers in video or drawings that reveal the space in and around materials.

Lent exhibits internationally, most recently at the Bluecoat Gallery in Liverpool, UK; the Albright-Knox in New York; the MASS MoCA in Massachusetts. Additionally he has received awards including funding from the New York Foundation for the Arts. His research has been presented at universities and learned societies such as Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul and the Royal Geographical Society in London.

Lent earned his BFA in Painting and Sculpture from Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia and his MFA from Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont. He is engaged in practice-based PhD research in Fine Art at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom.




That Kind of Daughter