Red Town #13

Home Depot
your trees are beautiful

in this weak light
spring is so new

it is about to disappear
completely     for some

reason I get lost
on the way home

ambushed by hundreds
of girls in plaid skirts

schoolbuses and safety
guards     the whole

world working to keep
them upright     I see

everything from behind
a windshield and wreaths

come down     invisible ones
on my head and by their

feet     there is a roaring
a man in a storefront

gets out of his chair
leaves his building and

walks toward me
mouth moving     words

no different than pacing
toward me in this light

Julia Story

Julia Story’s first collection, Post Moxie, was the recipient of Sarabande Books’ 2009 Kathryn A. Morton Prize and Ploughshares’ 2010 John C. Zacharis First Book Award, and was named one of Coldfront’s Top 30 Poetry Books of 2010. Her recent work has appeared in The Paris Review, Octopus, and Salt Hill. She is currently working on her next collection, tentatively titled Red Town. A native of Indiana, she now lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.


Antti Revonsuo

