Prothalamion Beginning in Turku Finland...

Here in Finland they say Yatkuu Yatkuu
Keep on Truckin’
Yatkuu Yatkuu whatcha gonna do…
The news from everywhere is weird to bad
Yatkuu Yatkuu whatcha gonna do…
They’re losing it in New York City
They’re losing it in gay Paree
They’re losing it in Kandahar
In Jaffna Islamabad Madrid
The news from everywhere’s a gone bad deal
And the Priestess of the Dreams says
It ain’t kabuki Babe, they’re losing it for real…

But here in Turku here in the Buddha Bar
The Finns go boogie boogie
They boogie with the beat
The Finns got big black boots
Big black boots for big Finn feet
They’re boogieing with Marilyn
They’re boogieing with Mao
They’re boogieing with Warhol
He’s an honorary Finn
He boogies in his boots
Big black boots for his closet Finn feet
All the while the Buddha smiles
Everybody loves a dancing Finn

Suddenly the news from everywhere goes from bad to good…
The news is ringing through the world
The news runs up and down the Aura
Up and down the Seine
The news is on the Amazon the Congo the Mississippi and the Thames
The news in Tamil the news in Sinhalese
The news is crossing Adam’s Bridge
Riva and Rohan are getting married!
Say What?
Riva and Rohan are marrying!
The Finns are dancing as we speak
Winter’s gone  Spring’s a solar feast
The news from everywhere is good
Peace breaks out in Lanka, Sri
The Taliban makes tapioca for Talmudic girls
Pakistanis come to Delhi for a pizza
The PRC tickles Taiwan’s little feet
Swansdown swirls round Iraqi scimitars
Symphonic sweetmeats ride the borealis
Peace breaks out in Lanka, Sri
Riva and Rohan are marrying!

Who could guess
We all made bets
It’s been so long I can’t recall
Which way my money’s down
But now whichever way it went I win
Riva and Rohan are marrying!
The Smiling Buddha smiles
The Finns are dancing as we speak
The world’s delirious throughout all seven seas
We drink an actual factual virtually potent toast
And then we all envision whirled peas!

Yatkuu Yatkuu Keep on truckin’
Yatkuu Yatkuu It’s the old new deal
And the Priestess of the Dreams says
It ain’t kabuki Babe, they’re marrying for real!

Peter Michelson

Peter Michelson is the author of When the Revolution Really and other books of poetry and prose works, including Speaking the Unspeakable.  He has had a long  if intermittent association with TriQuarterly and was a Contributing Editor in the 1970s.  Apropos his two poems here, in 2001-02 he was in Finland on a Fulbright lectureship.


In Her Seventh Decade the Priestess of the Dreams


The Scarf Dancers