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winding than either of us anticipated when we were brainstorming the form of a book review in letters, but ...
that, I do freelance video editing under the name Fine Video, LLC. The online reviews of my video work ...
Secret and to Hell with editors and publishers and reviewers and critics and booksellers. Fuck them all. ...
made with good intentions, my perspective began to change when I received a thoughtful editorial review ...
was so much more durable and fortifying than the ersatz recognition of a fancy publication, review ...
she reviews the weekend, nothing can ever take away that blissful afternoon of skating on Spring ...
Road of Bones 1. The Mask of Sorrow From a hilltop above the North Pacific seaport of Magadan, Russia, The Mask of Sorrow—a 50-foot monument that resembles an Easter Island head—overlooks the city. You keep glimpsing this concrete memorial from afar as yo ...
lonely otherwise. Besides, with the approaching heat death of the universe, a big review, book prize or ...
